Please complete one of the forms linked below and upload the required supporting documentation to submit an application.
Guidelines for Applicants
Background to the Creative Ireland Programme
Wicklow County Council’s Culture and Creativity Team aims to support partnerships and increase opportunities for communities throughout County Wicklow to engage creatively with arts, culture, heritage, climate action and biodiversity in ways that are innovative, ambitious and dynamic.
Wicklow County Council seeks high quality applications featuring innovative ways to increase engagement between people, cultural heritage, climate action, biodiversity and creativity.
Awarded projects in the past include music concerts and masterclasses, heritage interpretation (e.g. trails, podcasts, and signage) diversity and inclusion initiatives, and creative engagements for children and young people.
Creative Ireland is a Government of Ireland Programme which places creativity at the centre of public policy, connecting people, creativity and wellbeing. This Programme is built around the key themes of: Creative Youth, Creative Communities, Creative Places, and Creative Nation.
Wicklow County Council recognises the value of creativity as part of our cultural services provision delivered through the Creative Ireland Programme. For full details see:
Creative Wicklow Grant Scheme Objectives:
Wicklow County Council seeks to support projects that communicate and celebrate aspects of Wicklow people and place in creative and innovative ways. We are looking for projects that effectively capture and showcase the richness of County Wicklow’s arts, culture, creativity, heritage, nature, biodiversity, and history.
Projects should be of a high standard with a countywide relevance in keeping with the objectives of the Wicklow Creative Strategy. Initiatives that target the engagement of new, marginalised and disadvantaged audiences will be particularly welcomed.
Projects outputs may include a wide range of formats such as podcasts, video/film, exhibition, trails, oral recordings, publications, interpretive signage or a mixture of all.
Applicants are also encouraged to consider presenting the work as part of key calendar events such as Culture Night, Heritage Week or Biodiversity Week for example.
The Fund is administered by Wicklow County Council and will be evaluated by the Wicklow County Council Culture and Creativity Team.
This fund is open to not-for-profit organisations, local community groups, arts, heritage, biodiversity and cultural groups, venues and societies.
Applications by individuals must be in partnership with local community, arts, heritage, biodiversity and cultural groups. If an application is successful; the funding will only be paid to the community group, not to an individual.
To be eligible for funding, the project/event/initiative must be based in or relate to County Wicklow The project/event/initiative must be completed before 30th September 2025 and all final report documentation submitted to the Art Office by the 30th September 2025.
Grants between €1,000 and €3,000 will be allocated per project to successful candidates. The fund is limited and eligible projects will be evaluated on a competitive basis. There is no guarantee of funding for projects that achieve the minimum eligibility criteria.
Projects and events that relate to the key themes of the Creative Ireland programme
Podcasts, video/film, exhibition, trails, oral recordings, publications, interpretive signage
Creative workshops / projects /events for people of all ages based on arts, culture, heritage, climate action and biodiversity
Archive projects, e.g. photographic collections and/or oral histories of people and place, digitisation of records for contribution to Wicklow’s Community Heritage website All relevant permissions regarding copyright/ownership of material must be in place for digitisation projects and oral history projects must adhere to best practice as outlined by the Oral History Network of Ireland )
Pop up markets, museums and exhibitions
Projects that showcase stories of Wicklow’s culture and those which reveal geographic and thematic connections with cultural heritage elsewhere in County Wicklow, Ireland and/or internationally
- Alcohol, food & drink, hospitality expenditure
- Fines, penalty payments
- Legal cost, audit fees, general overheads (e.g. rent / utility bills).
- Purchase of Capital Asset(s)
- Expenditure which was incurred prior to the approval of grant aid.
Applications will be evaluated under the following criteria:
The extent to which the proposed project is aligned with the Creative Ireland Programme
The extent to which the proposed project is collaborative and maximizes community engagement
The extent to which the project is innovative, creative, interesting and likely to make a significant impact in the community
The feasibility and viability of project completion within the timeframe and budget allocated.
The applicant’s capacity to deliver the project and to promote it in media as relevant must be demonstrated.
- Read all documentation carefully.
- Applications must be made through our online platform *Submittable. Here you will be able to upload all supporting material along with your application form. *The Submittable platform works best on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported.
- Complete the online application form - emailed/faxed/posted applications will not be accepted.
- The applicant name you list on the application form should be that of the Community Group (not an individual)
- Upload a Budget document. Ensure the amount of grant funding sought is included in the Budget document.
- Upload supporting documentation
- · Please Note: Incomplete applications will not be considered.
You will receive an acknowledgement email from Submittable once you have made an application.
Applicants will be notified of outcomes as soon as is practicable, however, it is anticipated that the overall process from the submission of applications to notification will take 6-8 weeks.
We strongly recommend that you upload your application at least forty-eight hours before the advertised deadline (4pm Friday 7th March 2025). This will allow time to assist in resolving any technical problems should they occur.
Successful applicants will receive a Letter of Agreement which must be signed and returned to the Arts Office.
Successful applicants who do not already have a Supplier Account with Wicklow County Council will need to complete Supplier Account Set Up Forms.
Successful applicants must have a bank/credit union account. The account holder name on the bank/credit union account must be that of the Community Group.
Payment will be processed when the Arts Office receives the signed Letter of Agreement along with proof of insurance and a Supplier Account has been set up with Wicklow County Council.
Please note: the payment will only be made to the community group, not to individual(s).
On conclusion of the project, a short Project Report Form (to be supplied by Wicklow County Council) must be completed and include the following:
- A copy of the project output or other evidence of project completion e.g. photographic and/or video graphic evidence
- A final budget for the project and evidence of payments (i.e. Paid Invoices/ Receipts) to all parties.
- Copies of all press and media coverage
All awards are subject to the availability of funds. Awards may be withheld or divided at the discretion of Wicklow County Council.
1. Wicklow County Council and Creative Ireland must be credited in any publicity, press and marketing materials relating to the work supported under this scheme. Wicklow County Council and Creative Ireland logos must feature on all publicity, press and marketing material produced in connection with this scheme. A Letter of Offer will set out the specific branding and accrediting requirements.
2. Applications must be complete and have all relevant supporting documentation. Successful applicants will be required to submit a Project Report Form (to be supplied by Wicklow County Council) and provide the following by 30th September 2025:
a. A copy of the project output or other evidence that the project is complete e.g. Photographic and/or video graphic evidence, (photographs and videos submitted for use must have the relevant permission signed. These signed permission(s) must be provided with the documentation – refer to letter of grant offer for full conditions)
b. A final budget for the project and evidence of payments / receipts to all parties.
c. Copies of all press and media coverage
3. All applications must adhere to the guidelines set out in this document.
4. No emailed/posted applications will be accepted, applicants must apply through our online platform.
5. All projects must either take place in, or benefit, the residents of County Wicklow. Applicants must clearly indicate their relationship with the County as per the Application Form.
6. Applicants must provide evidence that any organisational commitment referenced in support of their application has been confirmed e.g. letters of support to show that a collaborator is available, or an exhibition opportunity confirmed.
7. Proposals must be realised in full within the timeframe specified in the application.. Wicklow County Council reserves the right to review the Creative Wicklow Grant Scheme 2025 at any time and, as a result, may make any changes necessary without prior notice and at Wicklow County Council’s discretion.
8. Applications will be assessed by the Wicklow County Council Culture and Creativity Team.
9. Applicants shall be notified as soon as is practicable, however it is anticipated that the overall process from the submission of applications to the notification of outcomes will take 6-8 weeks.
10. Shortlisting is likely to apply.
11. While we encourage the participation of returning applicants, please note that if you have previously received funding from this programme in past years, you must have submitted all required final project reports, budgets and invoices for those funds. Failure to comply with this requirement will render you ineligible for consideration in the current round.
12. An online acknowledgement will be sent to you to confirm receipt of your Application.
13. Please read the Wicklow County Council GDPR statement.
14. Projects must be completed and final report documentation submitted to Wicklow Arts Office by the 30th September 2025
DISCLAIMER – please read carefully
It is a condition of any application for funding under the terms and conditions of the Wicklow County Council – Creative Wicklow project that the applicant has read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions:
1. Wicklow County Council shall not be liable to the applicant or any other party, in respect of any loss, damage or costs of any nature arising directly or indirectly from:
a. The application or the subject matter of the application.
b. The rejection for any reason of any application.
2. Wicklow County Council shall not be held responsible or liable, at any time in any circumstances, in relation to any matter whatsoever arising in connection with the administration of activities related to the project. In respect of funding provided by Wicklow
County Council, the Council does not undertake the role of ‘Client’ or ‘Employer’ as defined in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.
3. By submitting an application, applicants agree to the processing and disclosure of the applicant’s information by Wicklow County Council, and to other third parties if required, for Fund administration, reporting, evaluation and audit purposes; and successful applicant’s further consent to the disclosure of this information (e.g. name of successful applicant, amount of award, event details, etc.) by these parties in connection with the marketing or promotion of the Fund. Personal data will be processed only in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Data Protection legislation.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4pm Friday 7th March 2025
Application Support Service:
For questions or application support, contact:
Make your subject line ‘Creative Wicklow Grant Scheme 2025’.
The support service is available up to 5pm Monday, 3rd March 2025.
Screen Wicklow and Wicklow Arts Office are pleased to announce the Wicklow Short Film Award for 2025. The purpose of the award is to support Wicklow filmmakers to make high-quality, original films in the county. Narrative films, documentary, digital film and animation are all eligible to apply. The Wicklow Short Film Award is funded by Wicklow County Council and the Arts Council.
For 2025, there will be a maximum of 2 grants of up to €15,000 each for the production of a short film or documentary. Films should be approximately 10-15 minutes in duration, although animation projects may be shorter. The total fund therefore for award in 2025 is €30,000.00.
This is a film production award, and scripts must be fully developed prior to application. This award cannot be used to develop scripts or ideas, and films must be ready to go into production within two months of funding being awarded. Films must be shot in County Wicklow.
We are seeking applicants who have a track record of filmmaking, and who can demonstrate involvement in high-quality, creative and original film. Applicants may apply individually but priority will be given to applicants who have already assembled a core creative team (including writer, director & producer).
Wicklow County Council has a strong history of supporting the development of the film industry in the county, and is proud to be host to a bourgeoning professional commercial film sector. It is our intention that making these two awards will have a significant impact on two film makers and their progression in the film industry.
Please note that successful applicants must have a registered production company in order to draw down the funding, and appropriate insurance must be in place prior to the commencement of filming. In collaboration with Clermont Screen Hub, successful applicants will also receive additional supports including access to co-working space.
Screen Wicklow will also assist grant recipients with locations, permits etc. and where possible, Wicklow Arts Office and Screen Wicklow will seek to facilitate screening opportunities for the two successfully funded films.
Questions and enquiries about the Wicklow Short Film Award may be directed to and an FAQ document will be published online.
The closing date for applications is Monday 7th April at 4pm.
The primary applicant must be native to County Wicklow or residing in County Wicklow for the past three consecutive years. For all further eligibility criteria and funding guidelines please see
· The primary applicant must be native to County Wicklow or residing in County Wicklow for the past three consecutive years.
· Part-time or full-time students are not eligible to apply.
· The main applicant must apply through a registered limited company. Company registration details will be requested in the Application Form.
· Applicants must be full tax compliant and must provide a Tax Clearance Access Number within their application form.
· Projects that require significant additional finance (unless this is already in place) are not eligible.
· Films that have either been part-shot or fully shot are not eligible.
· Only a single project may be submitted by any applicant.
· Applicants must have a track record of involvement with film-making, and should highlight any roles in previous productions.
· The majority of each film must be shot in County Wicklow.
· Shortlisted applicants must be available to attend an interview/pitching session on or around 15th and 16th May 2025. Specific dates and times will be communicated when applicants have been shortlisted.
The Application Process will involve two stages, with shortlisted applicants being required to attend an interview/pitching session with a panel of industry specialists.
All applications must be submitted through the Wicklow Arts Office online application platform.
Applicants will be required to submit the following:
· Completed Application Form (online)
· Project Synopsis (500 words) to include an outline of the plot
· Logline (50 words max)
· Copy of the full script/screenplay (please ensure the writer’s name has been removed from this document)
· Project Plan (include proposed film schedule, filming locations, proposed casting etc.)
· Film Festival/Screening Strategy (please provide information about your planned submissions to film festivals, or other screening opportunities)
· Project Budget (including all production costs, cast, crew, travel, logistics, music etc.). If additional finance has been secured, please provide proof of funds.
· CV of the Primary Applicant and for any other confirmed member of the creative team (e.g. director, producer, cast etc.)
· Links to showreel, or samples of previous work (including main applicant and other confirmed team members.
· Director/Producer’s Notes and Insights (include considerations on visual style, treatment, approaches etc.)
· Evidence/Confirmation of Ownership of Rights
· In the case of animation projects, please include visual samples (characters, backgrounds etc.) where possible.
· In the case of a documentary which focuses on another person’s life story (or similar topic), please submit a signed statement from the relevant person/people verifying that they have given their permission for the film.
· Additional relevant supporting material may be submitted at the discretion of the applicant.
Applications will be assessed against 5 assessment criteria with weightings applied as below.
· The creativity/quality of the project proposal. [35/100]
· The considerate and appropriate use of County Wicklow as a filming location. [20/100]
· The track record of the main applicant. [15/100]
· The track record, capacity and ability of the creative team to deliver the project. [25/100]
· Proposed Film Festival/Screening Strategy [5/100]
· All films must be shot for the most part in County Wicklow. Where possible, post-production should also take place in County Wicklow. Screen Wicklow and Clermont Screen Hub will provide support to successful applicants in this regard.
· Appropriate insurance must be in place prior to filming take place, and proof of insurance will be requested by the funders.
· If production has not commenced within 2 months of the grant being awarded, the funders reserve the right to award the funding to another candidate instead (allocated in order of application scoring).
· The legal rights to all materials submitted (including scripts, screenplays, treatments, characters etc.) must be fully and completely owned by the applicant. Scripts/screenplays must be the original work of the applicant. If a script/screenplay is an adaptation of an existing work (eg. short story), relevant legal documentation must be submitted proving that the applicant owns all underlying rights to make the adaptation.
· Applicants will be required to have completed all filming, editing and post-production before Friday 31st October 2025. Please ensure your filming schedule allows for this timeframe.
· Wicklow County Council, Wicklow Arts Office, Screen Wicklow and The Arts Council must be acknowledged in the film credits, as well as on all related websites, social media, publicity and marketing materials. The relevant logos must be included in the final cut of the finished films.
· Health & Safety Regulations, Equal Opportunities Policies, Child Protection & Safeguarding, Garda Vetting and other relevant policies and legislation must be in place and adhered to at all times.
· If shortlisted, the main applicant must attend an in-person interview where they will be invited to pitch their film to a panel of industry specialists. It is advisable that all members of the core creative team (writer, director, producer) also attend this interview.
DISCLAIMER – please read carefully
It will be a condition of any application for funding under the terms and conditions of the Wicklow County Council – The Arts Council project that the applicant has read, understood and accepted the following:
1. Wicklow County Council shall not be liable to the applicant or any other party in respect of any loss, damage or costs of any nature arising directly or indirectly from:
- The application or the subject matter of the application.
- The rejection for any reason of any application.
2. Wicklow County Council shall not be held responsible or liable, at any time in any circumstances, in relation to any matter whatsoever arising in connection with the administration of activities. In respect of monies provided by Wicklow County Council, the Council does not undertake the role of ‘Client’ or ‘Employer’ as defined in the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.
3. By submitting an application, applicants agree to the processing and disclosure of the applicant’s information by Wicklow County Council, and to other third parties if required for Fund administration, reporting, evaluation and audit purposes; and successful applicants further consent to the disclosure of this information (e.g. name of successful applicant, amount of award, event details, etc.) by these parties in connection with the marketing or promotion of the Fund. Personal data will be processed only in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Data Protection legislation.
Awards maybe divided or withheld at the discretion of Wicklow County Council. The assessment panel decision is final.
Late and / or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Funded by Wicklow County Council and The Arts Council